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Release procedure

Prior to release create new release issue. Use it as a scratchpad for release notes. Title should be Release x.y.z. Description should start with short summary explaining agenda for the release. Then list all changes that will be included in the release. Each change should be a separate bullet point starting with one of "magic" words: Added, Changed, Deprecated, Removed, Fixed, Updated, Refactored.

On branch main:

  1. Update with new release notes and commit
 git commit -m "Update"
  1. Update version number in:

  2. pygerber/

  3. pyproject.toml

then commit:

 git commit -m "Bump version to x.y.z"
  1. Push changes and wait for CI to finish.
 git push
  1. If CI failed, fix issues, commit and push changes. Repeat until CI passes. If any of the changes introduced may have impact of users, update

  2. Create a new tag:

 git tag vx.y.z

And push it to the repository:

 git push --tags
  1. Wait for CI to finish. It should automatically publish PyPI release files and documentation update.

  2. Close release issue.


Create maintenance/x.y.x, second x should remain in branch name, eg. for release 2.3.0 branch name should be maintenance/2.3.x

 git switch -c maintenance/x.y.x