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vector module contains Vector class used to represent 2D coordinates.


Bases: ModelType

Represents a point in cartesian coordinate space.

xy property

Return point as tuple of Units.


Bases: Namespace

Namespace containing unit vectors.

from_tuple classmethod

from_tuple(data: tuple[float, float]) -> Self

Create a new point from a tuple.


__add__(other: object) -> Vector

Add two points.


__sub__(other: object) -> Vector

Subtract two points.


__mul__(other: object) -> Vector

Multiply two points.


__truediv__(other: object) -> Vector

Divide two points.


__eq__(other: object) -> bool

Check if two points are equal.


__lt__(other: object) -> bool

Check if point is less than other point.


__gt__(other: object) -> bool

Check if point is greater than other point.


__ge__(other: object) -> bool

Check if point is greater than or equal to other point.


__le__(other: object) -> bool

Check if point is less than or equal to other point.


__neg__() -> Vector

Negate vector values.


angle_between(other: Vector) -> float

Calculate clockwise angle between two vectors in degrees.

Value returned is always between 0 and 360 (can be 0, never 360).

self is the starting vector, other is the ending vector.

from math import * s = Vector(x=sin(pi / 4) * 1, y=-sin(pi / 4) * 1) e = Vector(x=-sin(pi / 4) * 1, y=-sin(pi / 4) * 1) s.angle_between(e) 90.0 e.angle_between(s) 270.0


angle_between_cc(other: Vector) -> float

Calculate counter clockwise angle between two vectors in degrees.

Value returned is always between 0 and 360 (can be 0, never 360).


normalized() -> Vector

Return normalized (unit length) vector.


length() -> float

Return length of vector.


transform(matrix: Matrix3x3) -> Vector

Transform vector by matrix.