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class GitHub

Bases: AbstractAsyncContextManager

Source code in async_py_octocat/
class GitHub(AbstractAsyncContextManager):

    username: str
    token: str
    is_token_auth: bool
    session: GitHubSession
    _user: Optional[User]

    def __init__(
        self, username: str, token: str, is_token_auth: bool = False
    ) -> None:
        """Async GitHub client.

        All async calls to methods of this object and objects
        created with calls to methods of instance of this object
        should be done within async with code block.

        Objects created by this objects are bound to this object
        and are able to communicate with Github API only by this
        object session (async with block) unless manually rebound to
        different object.

        username : str
            Github account user name.
        token : str
            Access token for same account as username was.
        is_token_auth : bool, optional
            When True, token only authentication is used, basic auth otherwise, by default False
        self.username = username
        self.token = token
        self.is_token_auth = is_token_auth
        self._user = None
        self.session = GitHubSession(
            self.username, self.token, self.is_token_auth

    async def __aenter__(self) -> GitHub:
        await self.session.__aenter__()
        self._user = await self.session.get_user()
        return self

    async def __aexit__(
        exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
        exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
        exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
    ) -> None:
        return await self.session.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)

    def get_gh_session(self) -> GitHubSession:
        return self.session

    async def user(self, username: Optional[str] = None) -> User:
        """Request github user details from Github API. This function requires
        internet connection, thus have to be called within `async` `with`

        username : Optional[str], optional
            Login of user to acquire, when none, details for currently
            authenticated user are returned.

            Wrapper object containing user details and allowing for
            further API interaction.
        if username is None:
            if self._user is None:  # pragma: no cover
                self._user = await self.session.get_user()
            assert self._user is not None
            return self._user
            user = await self.session.get_user(username)
            return user

    async def repository(self, user_name: str, repo_name: str) -> Repository:
        """Request github repository owned by `user_name` with name
        `repo_name`. It is alternative to first requesting user and then
        requesting repo using User object API.

        user_name : str
            Name of owner of repo.
        repo_name : str
            Name of repository requested.

            Wrapper object containing details of repo and allowing for further
            API interaction.
        return await self.session.get_repo(user_name, repo_name)

__init__(username, token, is_token_auth=False) #

Async GitHub client.

All async calls to methods of this object and objects created with calls to methods of instance of this object should be done within async with code block.

Objects created by this objects are bound to this object and are able to communicate with Github API only by this object session (async with block) unless manually rebound to different object.


Name Type Description Default
username str

Github account user name.

token str

Access token for same account as username was.

is_token_auth bool, optional

When True, token only authentication is used, basic auth otherwise, by default False

Source code in async_py_octocat/
def __init__(
    self, username: str, token: str, is_token_auth: bool = False
) -> None:
    """Async GitHub client.

    All async calls to methods of this object and objects
    created with calls to methods of instance of this object
    should be done within async with code block.

    Objects created by this objects are bound to this object
    and are able to communicate with Github API only by this
    object session (async with block) unless manually rebound to
    different object.

    username : str
        Github account user name.
    token : str
        Access token for same account as username was.
    is_token_auth : bool, optional
        When True, token only authentication is used, basic auth otherwise, by default False
    self.username = username
    self.token = token
    self.is_token_auth = is_token_auth
    self._user = None
    self.session = GitHubSession(
        self.username, self.token, self.is_token_auth

repository(user_name, repo_name) async #

Request github repository owned by user_name with name repo_name. It is alternative to first requesting user and then requesting repo using User object API.


Name Type Description Default
user_name str

Name of owner of repo.

repo_name str

Name of repository requested.



Type Description

Wrapper object containing details of repo and allowing for further API interaction.

Source code in async_py_octocat/
async def repository(self, user_name: str, repo_name: str) -> Repository:
    """Request github repository owned by `user_name` with name
    `repo_name`. It is alternative to first requesting user and then
    requesting repo using User object API.

    user_name : str
        Name of owner of repo.
    repo_name : str
        Name of repository requested.

        Wrapper object containing details of repo and allowing for further
        API interaction.
    return await self.session.get_repo(user_name, repo_name)

user(username=None) async #

Request github user details from Github API. This function requires internet connection, thus have to be called within async with block.


Name Type Description Default
username Optional[str], optional

Login of user to acquire, when none, details for currently authenticated user are returned.



Type Description

Wrapper object containing user details and allowing for further API interaction.

Source code in async_py_octocat/
async def user(self, username: Optional[str] = None) -> User:
    """Request github user details from Github API. This function requires
    internet connection, thus have to be called within `async` `with`

    username : Optional[str], optional
        Login of user to acquire, when none, details for currently
        authenticated user are returned.

        Wrapper object containing user details and allowing for
        further API interaction.
    if username is None:
        if self._user is None:  # pragma: no cover
            self._user = await self.session.get_user()
        assert self._user is not None
        return self._user
        user = await self.session.get_user(username)
        return user

Last update: July 3, 2022
Created: July 3, 2022