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HowTo set up Visual Studio Code for development#

  1. Make sure you have following extensions installed:

    • Python
    • Pylance
    • YAML
    • GitLens — Git supercharged
    • indent-rainbow
    • Test Explorer UI
    • Test Explorer UI
  2. Use Ctrl+Shift+P to open VSC command prompt

  3. Enter >Preferences: Open Settings (UI) and click Enter to open Settings tab

  4. For all following use setting search field:

    1. Type Files: Auto Save and select option afterDelay

    2. Type Python: Language Server and select Pylance

    3. Type Files: Auto Save Delay and set value delay value to 1000

    4. Type Python > Analysis: Diagnostic Mode and set value to workspace

    5. Type Python > Analysis: Extra Paths and use Add item to add ./source/

    6. Type Python > Formatting: Provider and set it to black

    7. Type Python > Linting: Flake8 Enabled and check it

    8. Type Python > Linting: Pylint Enabled and uncheck it

    9. Type Docstring Format and select numpy

    10. Type Python > Analysis: Type Checking Mode and set to basic

    11. Type Indent Rainbow: Colors and check option Color On Whitespace Only:

    12. Type Indent Rainbow: Colors and in section Colors use Edit in settings.json to enter settings in json form, then use following to update "indentRainbow.colors" section:

    "indentRainbow.colors": [

Last update: July 3, 2022
Created: July 3, 2022