Set up environment in VSC

  1. Open VSCode in your repository folder

  2. Use Ctrl+Shift+P to open command entry

  3. Enter >Python: Select Interpreter and click Enter

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  4. Select option "Enter interpreter path..."

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  5. Select option "Find..."

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  6. Navigate to

    • Windows: async_py_octocat/.tox/devenv/Scripts/python.exe
    • Linux: async_py_octocat/.tox/devenv/bin/python
  7. Select file python.exe

  8. Use Ctrl+Shift+P to open command entry

  9. Enter >Developer: Reload Window and click Enter

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  10. Open terminal by pulling from edge of status bar

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  11. Use trash can icon to kill it

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  12. Repeat step 11.

  13. Now you should have (devenv) prefix before your command prompt

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  14. If you don't have this prefix, manually activate environment:

    - Windows: ".tox/devenv/Script/activate"

    - Linux: source ".tox/devenv/bin/activate"

    - for more see this

Last update: July 3, 2022
Created: July 3, 2022