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Features status#

Symbol Glossary#

Symbol Meaning
Available in last stable release
⏯️ Coming in next stable release
Not available any time soon unless by community PR

Missing features

You desperately need a feature which is not in the tables below? You may decide to add it yourself and create a pull request, your help in developing this project will be gladly welcomed.


API functionality status
List commits ⏯️
List branches for HEAD commit
List pull requests associated with a commit ⏯️
Get a commit ⏯️
Compare two commits

Commit comments#

API functionality status
Get a commit comment
Update a commit comment
Delete a commit comment
List commit comments
Create a commit comment

Commit statuses#

API functionality status
Get the combined status for a specific reference
List commit statuses for a reference
Create a commit status

Pull Requests#

API functionality status
List pull requests ⏯️
Create a pull request
Get a pull request ⏯️
Update a pull request
List commits on a pull request ⏯️
List pull requests files
Check if a pull request has been merged ⏯️
Merge a pull request
Update a pull request branch


API functionality status
List organization repositories
Create an organization repository
Get a repository
Update a repository
Delete a repository
Enable automated security fixes
Disable automated security fixes
List CODEOWNERS errors
List repository contributors
Create a repository dispatch event
List repository languages
List repository tags
List repository teams
Get all repository topics
Replace all repository topics
Transfer a repository
Check vulnerability alerts
Enable vulnerability alerts
Disable vulnerability alerts
Create a repository using a template
List public repositories
List repositories for the authenticated user
Create a repository for the authenticated user
List repositories for a user
API functionality status
List all autolinks of a repository
Create an autolink reference
Get an autolink reference
Delete an autolink reference

Repositories - Contents#

API functionality status
Get repository content ⏯️
Create or update file contents
Delete a file
Get a repository README
Get a repository README for a directory
Download a repository archive

Repositories - Forks#

API functionality status
List forks
Create a fork

Repositories - Tags#

API functionality status
List tag protection states
Create tag protection state
Delete tag protection state


API functionality status
Get the authenticated user
Update the authenticated user
List users ⏯️
Get a user
Get contextual information for a user

Last update: July 3, 2022
Created: July 3, 2022