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Feature flow#

This project uses GitHub flow as it's main workflow model. Simplified visualization can be seen on graph below:

    %%{init: { 'theme': 'forest' , 'themeVariables': {
              'git0': '#4db85f',
              'git1': '#49b391',
              'git2': '#59a7ff',
              'git3': '#d93261',
              'git4': '#00ffff',
              'git5': '#ffff00',
              'git6': '#ff00ff',
              'git7': '#00ffff'
       } } }%%
        commit tag:"0.0.0"

        branch feature
        checkout feature

        branch private
        checkout private


        checkout feature
        merge private

        branch private2
        checkout private2


        checkout feature
        merge private2

        commit tag:"1.0.0"

        checkout main
        merge feature

Clone repository#


You can skip this step if you already have a clone

git clone

Checking out main branch#

Make sure we are on main branch.

git checkout main

Pull changes from origin#


You can skip this step if you just cloned the repository

git pull --ff

Create feature branch#

Create new branch for our feature called (replace with whatever you want) feature_name. feature/ prefix is required because of convention.

Learn about branches

git checkout -b feature/feature_name

Check repository status#

git status

Result should be similar to this:

On branch feature/feature_name
nothing to commit, working tree clean

Commit-test-push cycle#

Your work on a feature should be divided into many steps during which you will add new units to the system. Each unit should have a set of tests to verify its operation.

  1. Formatting & Quality checks#

    Run code quality checks with tox to quickly fix most obvious issues in your code.

    tox -e check
    tox -e check
  2. Run test suite for Python interpreter versions you have locally#

    Run test suites on available interpreters with

    tox -e py37

    If the tests fail, you have to repeat steps 1 and 2. Omission of the corrections will result in your changes being rejected by the CI tests executed for the pull request.

  3. Add all changes to staging area with#

    git add *

    You can list file paths instead of using the asterisk symbol if you know you can add many unwanted files. If these unwanted files regularly appear in the codebase, add them to the .gitignore file.

  4. Check staging area#

    git status

    If any files staged for commit shouldn't be there, unstage them with

    git restore --staged <file>
  5. Commit changes#

    Now use commit command to send changes to git history

    git commit

    This command will open text editor for you, waiting for commit description. You can use

    git commit -m "commit message"

    to add commit title and omit long description. The commit title should not be longer than 50 characters.

  6. Push changes to remote branch#

    git push -u origin feature/feature_name

    For each subsequent push from this branch, you can omit -u origin feature/feature_name

    git push

Create pull request#

Visit pull requests and create PR for you feature. Read in GitHub docs about pull requests.

Request review & wait for CI checks#

Now you can request a pull request review, as it's described here. Before your changes can be merged into another branch, at least one person should see them, and share their thoughts about them with you. If you are prompted to make corrections, do so immediately and do not apply your changes without fixes. Go back to Commit-test-push.

You changes should also pass all tests ran by CI system (Github Actions). If the tests fail, corrections will also be required before continuing.

Merge PR#

After receiving a positive response from the reviewer and passing the tests, the pull request can be merged.

About merge conflicts

About pull request merges.

Last update: July 3, 2022
Created: July 3, 2022