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MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file. Start by reading the introductory tutorial, then check the User Guide for more information.

We are also using Material for MkDocs theme for documentation which is a separate package.

Usage: mkdocs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  MkDocs - Project documentation with Markdown.

  -V, --version  Show the version and exit.
  -q, --quiet    Silence warnings
  -v, --verbose  Enable verbose output
  -h, --help     Show this message and exit.

  build      Build the MkDocs documentation
  gh-deploy  Deploy your documentation to GitHub Pages
  new        Create a new MkDocs project
  serve      Run the builtin development server

Live server#

Runs development server, which automatically mirrors changes in source code. Development server is by default available at

mkdocs serve

Full CLI help:

Usage: mkdocs serve [OPTIONS]

Run the builtin development server

-a, --dev-addr <IP:PORT>        IP address and port to serve documentation
                                locally (default: localhost:8000)
--livereload                    Enable the live reloading in the development
                                server (this is the default)
--no-livereload                 Disable the live reloading in the
                                development server.
--dirtyreload                   Enable the live reloading in the development
                                server, but only re-build files that have
--watch-theme                   Include the theme in list of files to watch
                                for live reloading. Ignored when live reload
                                is not used.
-f, --config-file FILENAME      Provide a specific MkDocs config
-s, --strict                    Enable strict mode. This will cause MkDocs
                                to abort the build on any warnings.
-t, --theme [material|mkdocs|readthedocs]
                                The theme to use when building your
--use-directory-urls / --no-directory-urls
                                Use directory URLs when building pages (the
-q, --quiet                     Silence warnings
-v, --verbose                   Enable verbose output
-h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

Build documentation#

Builds documentation, all generated files are by default saved to site/ folder.

mkdocs build

Full CLI help:

Usage: mkdocs build [OPTIONS]

Build the MkDocs documentation

-c, --clean / --dirty           Remove old files from the site_dir before
                                building (the default).
-f, --config-file FILENAME      Provide a specific MkDocs config
-s, --strict                    Enable strict mode. This will cause MkDocs
                                to abort the build on any warnings.
-t, --theme [mkdocs|material|readthedocs]
                                The theme to use when building your
--use-directory-urls / --no-directory-urls
                                Use directory URLs when building pages (the
-d, --site-dir PATH             The directory to output the result of the
                                documentation build.
-q, --quiet                     Silence warnings
-v, --verbose                   Enable verbose output
-h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

Last update: July 3, 2022
Created: July 3, 2022